Pants to Leukaemia!

Meet Brave Bird Hannah Peckham who recently got the heartbreaking news no parent wants to contemplate, that her four-year-old son Bodhi had been diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic leukaemia.
Devastated but determined, Hannah and her little warrior Bodhi are now hoping to beat leukaemia, and also raise awareness in their #pantstoleukaemia campaign, and bless her she's wearing Brave Bird Pants on her head as she starts the first day of Chemo treatment at home with her beautiful boy.
All you need to do is pop your pants over your head and post a picture to stand in solidarity with Bodhi, Hannah and all the families out there whose lives have been turned upside down by this cruel disease.
Holly, Phil, Zoe Ball and KSI have already jumped on it which is amazing to see. I hope this campaign started by this brave Mum absolutely smashes it and Luekemia Uk gets a heap of donations to help make treatment kinder and save more lives.
Here's the link.
A little light amongst the dark goes a long way.
Sarah x